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Scene Management System (sms)

Allows for organized scene management, making development much faster.


Array[String] scene_nodes = [ "debug", "cutscene", "menu", "main", "background" ]

Used internally for adding, managing and removing scene collections.


bool add_scene(String scene_name, Node scene_class, CoreTypes.SceneType scene_type)

Adds a scene to some scene collection.

bool remove_scene(String scene_name, bool force_remove = false)


Don't set force_remove to true, thanks!

Removes a scene from some scene collection.

Node get_scene(String scene_name)

Returns a scene from some scene collection.

Returns null if no scene with that name was found.

Node get_scene_collection(CoreTypes.SceneType scene_type)


Don't change any properties of the scene collection or free it, otherwise you may cause breakage.

Returns a scene collection node.
Useful if you want to change a child's index.

Array[Node] get_scene_collection_list(CoreTypes.SceneType scene_type)

Returns a list of all loaded scenes in some scene collection.

int get_scene_collection_count(CoreTypes.SceneType scene_type)

Returns the number of loaded scenes in some scene collection.

CoresTypes.SceneType exists(String scene_name)

Returns the scene collection a scene is loaded in.

Returns CoreTypes.SceneType.NONE if no scene with that name was found.