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Setting up

This helps you install the CORE Framework in the first place.

Available branches

You can choose one of the following branches to install CORE with:

The develop branch features the latest commits to the framework but contains experimental and breaking changes. It should never be used in production, not even in testing unless you know what you're doing or directly contributing to the framework.

Using the Godot Asset Library


This will install the CORE Framework without the ability to easily download updates. You will need to look for updates yourself and install the latest version from the Asset Library yourself. If you don't want that hassle, use a git installation instead.

This will install the latest stable version.

  1. Open your project in the Godot Editor and click on the AssetLib tab
  2. Search for CORE Framework
  3. Click on the first result and hit Install
  4. Follow the usual asset installation procedure

Using git

Using git to manage a CORE installation is a bit harder than using Godot's Asset Library, but comes with more advantages. One of them being able to switch branches or trying out experimental features.


You'll need to execute all commands in your project root.

Installing CORE

git clone CORE
git checkout stable

Updating CORE

git pull

Changing branches


Changing branches is not supported by the CORE Framework maintainers and contributors. Doing so anyway will result in missing features, potential refactoring work and you need to manually review every single commit since the last release (if coming from the stable branch).

Again, we don't recommend switching branches. Doing so anyway may lead to issues!

git fetch
git checkout develop