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Configuration (config)


Although this is theoretically a class (CoreConfiguration), we are counting it as an module as it is used that way during runtime. If you want to create a new configuration class, use

Provides the default configuration for the CORE Framework.


All settings are variables.


bool headless = false

Controls CORE's functionality. Renders GUI-related modules useless when set to false, which is the recommended behaviour on servers. For CORE's full functionality, set this to true.

bool development = false

Puts the framework into development mode.
Unlocks experimental features.

bool custom_modules = true

Allows or disallows custom modules.

bool automatic_shutdown = true

If quit_safely (and by extension Core.cleanup) should be called when pressing the X.

bool hide_window_on_shutdown = true

Hides the window during engine shutdown. Useful when your game and the framework will take longer to cleanup.


CoreTypes.LoggerLevel logger_level = CoreTypes.LoggerLevel.INFO

The minimum log level you want to be displayed.

bool logger_colored = true

Determines if the logger's output should be colored.

bool logger_detect_verbose_mode = true


Updating this during runtime does nothing.

Determines if the logger should check if running in verbose mode (see OS.is_stdout_verbose).
Update verbose_mode yourself accordingly if you've set this to false, or face messed up diagnostic log messages. \

String logger_format = "%color%[%time%] [%level% %source%:%line%] %message%"

The template for all log messages Available placeholders are: %time%, %time_ms%, %level%, %color%, %message%, %source%, %source_raw%, %function% and %line%

bool logger_newlines_override = true

Determines if identation should be provided if the logger encounters a newline.

int logger_newlines_sizelimit = 40

The maximum amount of characters excluding the message before newlines are no longer idented. Set to -1 to disable this behaviour.

Log UI

bool logui_enabled = true

Enables or disables Log UI.

Color logui_background_color = Color.BLACK

The Log UI background color.. Set to Color.TRANSPARENT for a transparent background.

int logui_font_size = 14

What font size the graphical log should have.

int logui_max_lines = 100

How many lines can be visible on the screen at any given time. Never set this higher than 100 or it will cause tremendous amounts of lag for no real benefit. Instead lowering that amount helps performance.


bool misc_stringify_show_type = false

Shows or hides the type when calling stringify_variables.

bool misc_stringify_color_range8 = true

Determines how stringify_variables should display Color variables.
Will display colors from 0 to 255 if true or from -1.0 to 1.0 if false.

bool misc_stringify_array = true

Determines if Arrays should be processed by stringify_variables.

bool misc_stringify_dictionary = true

Determines if Dictionarys should be processed by stringify_variables.

Easy Request Maker

CoreTypes.BlockadeLevel erm_unsecure_requests = CoreTypes.BlockadeLevel.BLOCK

Determines how unsecure requests should be handled.